What is Heart Diseases?
Heart is a center of cardiovascular system, which pumps blood. Heart disease consists of a number of problems, which affects the heart and the blood vessels in the heart. Another name for heart diseases is cardiovascular diseases.
Heart attack, aneurysm, hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, Peripheral Vascular Disease are some of the common cardiovascular diseases. One can easily prevent from these heart diseases but he /she should follow the following guidelines:
Do’s to prevent heart diseases:
Healthy Diet
To prevent from heart disease you should reduce your cholesterol levels, control your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and maintain a healthy weight. For that you should improve your diet it is an important step towards preventing heart disease. Here are some tips to improve your diet:
1. Limit the intake of solid fat.
2. Avoid saturated or Trans fats.
3. Make a smart choice.
4. Make healthy substitutions.
5. Use heart-healthy cooking methods.
6. Keep fruit and vegetables at your fingertips.
Exercise is very much important for healthy life. It is found that people who exercise regularly are less pertinent to have cardiovascular disease. Exercise helps you control your weight and can decrease chances of developing other circumstances like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. It also aid to reduce stress, which might be a reason for heart disease.
Regular Health Screenings:
Your heart or cardiovascular system can be damaged due to High blood pressure and high cholesterol. Therefore you should go for REGULAR SCREENING to avoid these problems. It will help you to let you know and then you can take necessary actions. Below are some guidelines on screening test:
1. Maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
2. Monitor your blood pressure.
3. Manage stress and anger.
4. Control Coronary Calcium Score.
5. Exercise Stress Test.
6. Control your diabetes.
7. Keep a healthy weight.
Don’ts to prevent heart diseases:
Smoking / Tobacco
Smoking cause many diseases including heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. And the people who are associate with cigarette smoking are mostly suffering from breathing problems and lung cancer.
As smoke contains nicotine which causes heart disease.This nicotine is responsible for decreasing oxygen to the heart. It also increases blood pressure, heart rate and blood clotting. It damages the cell which line coronary arteries and other blood vessels.
Drug Abuse and Alcoholism
Drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines can cause irregular heartbeats and also lead to heart attacks. The risk of cerebral blood clot, stroke and infections of heart valve may be possible due to intake of intravenous drugs. Excessive intake of alcohol can destroy about every organ in the body including heart. In US alcohol abuse affects about 10% of women and 20% of men.
Weight Gain
Excess weight or obesity increases the risk of heart disease and pre and type 2 Diabetes. So try to reduce the weight as it may be very difficult to lose weight once it gained. A slight decrease in weight can help to reduce the problem of hypertension and cholesterol levels.
Thus by following above guidelines you can easily prevent from heart disease. And enjoy healthy and happy life.